General Tips

Track your Results

Track your results to know what marketing is working and what is not. It doesn’t matter that I’m referring to Internet marketing, because you should also be tracking the results of your print and mail campaigns too.

The tracking isn’t any different. The same question needs to be answered:


Was it Facebook, a search engine, a referral, or one of the many other ways you are advertising?

This is something you need to ask everyone.   This answer is a key element to help track your results.  And you’ll never know, unless you ask.   And you should save this info with the Lead/Customer data you have.

Over time, after you are tracking where or how people are finding you, you can focus on the areas that are working.

You want to know:

  1. What are the top 5 places that are bringing you leads?
  2. What are the top 5 places that bring you Customers who purchase your Product or Service?
  3. What are the top 5 places that brought Customers who are repeat Buyers
  4. What are the top 5 places that brought Customers who are referring other leads to you?

This is vital information, so you know where to focus your time and energy.  You may also discover you are paying for advertising that isn’t working for you.  Reinvest those dollars to where they WILL work, or try something new.

Lastly, don’t forget to ask each Customer for a testimonial.   We all look at product reviews before we buy.  Don’t we?  Your prospective customers will check you out too.

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